Our quality and environmental management system
In order to suit the EU principles on the highly competitive domestic and international markets, the maintenance of a certified quality management system is also essential besides good references and favorable prices.
Quality management systems are getting more and more popular these days, both in the corporate- and public sectors. The main reasons for this are the collaterally increasing requirements and customer quality consciousness. While earlier these quality management systems only existed within the industrial sector, these days they are just as common in the service-, administrational-, educational-, and healthcare sectors. Besides meeting the external requirements, such a system also leads to a more efficient internal communication, what makes the information flow simpler and safer. The planned and documented company structure makes the hierarchy and the corporate segmentation clear and transparent. The documented and constantly controlled processes reduce the possibility of mistakes, making the production more cost efficient.
Due to our main profile we really have to attend to the treatment, storage and transportation of environmentally dangerous substances. That is why the introduction of an EU-compatible environmental management system is highly important for us. In our opinion, the implementation and maintenance of an environmental and quality management system in the field of metal surface treatment is very useful for us, and also highly welcomed by our partners.
Thanks to these positive changes, which affect each and every segment of our company, our potential partners give us a vote of confidence, and in almost every case the customers - mainly big, multinational companies - require a structured and certified quality management system as an essential precondition of market penetration.